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What Should I Do If I Am Injured During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Wagner – What If I Get Injured During Coronavirus(1)

As of April 19th, the California Department of Public Health reports that 28,963 COVID-19 (coronavirus) cases have been confirmed in the state. Sadly, many more people are expected to develop the illness in the coming days and weeks. In an effort to control the spread of the virus, Californians are required to stay home—except for essential activities (Executive Order N-33-20).

Unfortunately, even though people are out and about a lot less right now, accidents will still happen. If you or your loved one is severely injured during the coronavirus outbreak, you need to know the right steps to take to protect your well-being and legal rights. Here, our Riverside personal injury lawyers highlight things to do if you are involved in an accident during the COVID-19 pandemic

  1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention

First and foremost, all serious injuries require immediate medical attention from a trained physician. If you or your loved one was hurt in an accident, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Although the coronavirus pandemic is putting strain on California’s medical system, there are still plenty of resources available for other injuries and non-COVID-related medical conditions. Public health officials want people to know that they should still get injuries examined. Do not avoid seeing a doctor. Safe care is available in Southern California.

  1. Document the Accident and Secure Evidence

In California, most personal injury claims are based on fault. In order to recover the maximum financial compensation that you deserve, you will need evidence that supports your case. To the best of your ability and without compromising your health and safety, try to document your accident and gather any relevant evidence. Among other things, take photographs of the accident scene, get the contact details for eyewitnesses, and report the incident to the appropriate authorities.

  1. Protect Your Health: Maintain Social Distancing and Cover Your Face

Social distancing and sanitizing efforts are necessary to slow the spread of the virus. While the scene of an accident can be hectic and overwhelming, try not to let these safety measures lapse. The Riverside County Public Health Officer recommends that everyone stay at least six feet away from strangers and that they wear facial coverings when leaving the home. If you are involved in an accident during the COVID-19 outbreak in California, please try to maintain social distancing. Avoid as much contact as possible, keep a mask with you, and wash your hands frequently.

  1. Schedule a Fully Remote Initial Consultation

While the physical locations of many businesses and organizations are closed, laws firms can still operate remotely. The personal injury claims process does not have to wait until the COVID-19 outbreak is resolved. Indeed, after an accident, you should take immediate action to protect your rights. Set up a virtual consultation with an experienced Riverside, CA personal injury lawyer. At Wagner Zemming Christensen LLP, we are prepared to conduct a comprehensive, fully remote evaluation of your case. Give us a call today and we will help you get started on the path to recovering compensation for your injuries.

Speak to Our Riverside, CA Personal Injury Attorneys Today

At Wagner Zemming Christensen LLP, our California personal injury lawyers are diligent and results-focused advocates for victims and their families. If you or someone you know suffered a serious injury, we are ready to help. For a free, confidential review of your case, please contact our legal team today. From our office in Riverside, we represent injured victims throughout the region, including in San Bernardino, Ontario, Moreno Valley, Temecula, Hemet, Beaumont, Jurupa Valley, and Corona.

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