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The Danger of Hidden Injuries After a Car Accident


A car accident that injures you can create challenges in your daily life. You might need time off work, ongoing medical treatment, and alternate transportation, depending on the severity of your injuries. On top of everything else, you must also file an injury claim to obtain compensation for your losses.

Everything that follows a car crash and the resulting injuries can be stressful for anyone to deal with and often distracts from what’s most important – your health. Although you know you need medical attention, the shock of what you experience can mask some symptoms. You might not understand the full extent of your injuries. Some symptoms appear right away, while others take days or weeks to become apparent. 

There are numerous injuries you should watch for after a car crash. Without adequate treatment, they can lead to long-term consequences.

Common Injuries You Might Not Know You Have

Some injuries aren’t apparent in the aftermath of a car wreck. The trauma causes your body to go into fight or flight mode, and adrenaline can diminish your pain levels and hide symptoms that indicate specific injuries.

Even if you don’t seem hurt or your injuries appear minor, you must go to the hospital for a thorough examination. Otherwise, you risk detrimental effects on your health and recovery.

The most common hidden injuries in a car accident include:

  • Whiplash – Whiplash is among the most common injuries people sustain in car crashes. The head moves backward and forward rapidly and violently in the crash, straining the neck. Whiplash limits the range of motion and movement. Pain and other symptoms can linger for weeks, months, or even years without the necessary treatment.
  • Concussion – A concussion is a common and mild form of traumatic brain injury. It results from a blow to the head from an external force. Someone can hit their head on the window or dashboard during a collision. It’s a dangerous injury because it doesn’t always cause serious symptoms on day one.
  • Injuries to the back and spinal cord – A spinal cord injury can be debilitating. However, you might overlook the extent of your pain until days later, when the shock wears off. Spinal cord and back injuries can reduce mobility and make specific movements more challenging and painful. Paralysis could occur if you don’t seek treatment to determine how much damage your spinal cord suffered.
  • Soft tissue injuries – Accident victims might ignore their knees, feet, and ankles after a car accident. It’s common to believe they’re not affected. However, those body parts can collide with the dashboard or other areas of the vehicle, causing broken bones and torn ligaments. You might notice pain with movement and other alarming symptoms. If you don’t see a doctor, you could fail to recognize permanent damage that could affect you for the rest of your life.
  • Internal injuries – Internal injuries are tricky. Since you can’t see them, and unless they cause symptoms, you don’t know they’re there. Internal injuries can include bleeding and punctured organs. Although they might not be evident in the immediate aftermath of a car crash, they can become life-threatening. You can experience significant blood loss or organ failure if you don’t address the underlying problem. 

Get Legal Help After a Car Accident

At Wagner Zemming Christensen, LLP, we understand the potential long-term issues associated with car accidents. You shouldn’t face this medical and legal battle alone.

Let us handle your case against the person responsible for injuring you so you can focus on your recovery. We will be your advocate and pursue the justice you rightfully deserve.

If someone’s negligent conduct caused your injuries in a car crash, call us at 951-686-4800 for an initial consultation with a car accident lawyer in Riverside, CA.

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