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What You Should Know About the 3 Most Common Bicycle Accident Injuries

What You Should Know About The 3 Most Common Bicycle Accident Injuries

A bicycle accident tends to have severe repercussions for the cyclist involved, who does not benefit from the protections offered by seatbelts and airbags and must instead directly suffer the full impact of the collision. For these reasons, injuries sustained by cyclists in accidents are often devastating, resulting in permanent disability, chronic pain, or even death. To ensure that you are compensated for the injury you sustained as a result of someone else’s negligent or reckless driving, please contact our dedicated personal injury legal team today.


Broken Bones as a Result of a Bicycle Accident


Bicyclists have nothing between them and other vehicles during collisions, so it may come as no surprise that broken bones are one of the most common injuries suffered by cyclists who collide with motorists. Some parts of the body are more at risk than others of fracturing under the impact of a collision, including:

  • The collarbone;
  • The hands, wrists, and lower arms;
  • The shoulders; and
  • The ankles and lower legs.

Skull and facial fractures are also common amongst cyclists, who are often thrown forward upon impact. Whether a broken bone can be healed non-surgically depends on its severity, as well as the location of the bone itself.


Joint Dislocations


Joint dislocations, which occur when a joint is forcefully displaced are another one of the most common injuries sustained by bicyclists. Although any joint can be dislocated, most bicycle accident-related dislocations involve:

  • The shoulders;
  • The elbows;
  • The fingers;
  • The kneecaps; and
  • The ankles.

Surgery is not always required when attempting to treat a dislocated bone. It is, however, more likely to be necessary with certain types of bones. Elbows, for instance, are made up of complicated hinge joints, so a surgeon will most likely need to reattach the tendons or place pins in the bone to restore alignment, function, and range of motion. All dislocations should be treated right away, as failing to do so can lead to complications arising from torn ligaments and muscles, as well as nerve and blood vessel damage.


Head Injuries


Head trauma is by far the most common and serious injury sustained by cyclists and include:

  • Skull fractures, of which there are many different types, although all involve a break in the cranial bone caused by a blow to the head and often manifest as facial bruising, swelling, and bleeding from the ears or nostrils;
  • Cerebral lacerations, or tears in the brain tissue caused by a foreign object or broken skull fragment;
  • Concussions, which occur when the brain strikes the inside of the skull after suffering a significant impact and can result in memory loss, nausea, vomiting, and mood swings; and
  • Intracranial hemorrhages, which occur when the force of an impact causes the brain itself to bleed and is potentially life threatening.

Injuries to the facial region are also common and can include everything from eye trauma to soft tissue injuries and dental fractures. Head injuries can result in permanent disability and even death, so it is critical for bicycle accident victims to seek medical assistance as soon as possible after their crash.


Schedule an Initial Bicycle Accident Case Review Today


Please contact the legal team at Wagner Zemming Christensen, LLP by calling 951-686-4800 to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney who can walk you through your legal options.

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